Sweet Almond (Maghz Badam Shirin)
مغز بادام شیریں
Rs 80
- Prevents Heart Ailments.
- Boosts Immunity And Aids Digestion.
- Relieves Pain And Muscles Stress.
- Promotes Healthy And Strong Nails.
- Provides Instant Energy.
مغز بادام شیریں
Rs 80
Sweet almond/Maghz Badam Shirin (مغز بادام شیریں) also known as Prunus Dulcis. It produces kernels (nuts) that are a familiar food. Sweet almond oil, prepared by pressing the kernels, is used to make medicine.
Health Benefits:
The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.